Why Are Ice Cubes Often Cloudy?

Tap water typically contains benign impurities such as lime, calcium, fluoride, nitrates, magnesium, and other organic elements. When water freezes, it hardens from the outside in, and those impurities are pushed into the center of the cube, causing the ice to have a cloudy appearance. However, boiling the water first will remove most of the impurities and provide clearer ice.

Ice, ice, baby:

  • Using bottled water that has been purified using a reverse osmosis process, or another type of distillation, will also improve ice cube clarity.
  • Cloudy ice is also related to how quickly the water is chilled. Most home freezers cool very rapidly, and tiny air bubbles (actually, dissolved air) get trapped before they can dissipate.
  • High-end restaurants use systems that freeze pure water slowly, in layers, so that air bubbles have plenty of time to escape.
More Info: Live Science

Discussion Comments


Cloudy ice cubes must be one of the least of my many problems.


This is totally wrong! Boiling water kills most bacteria that might be in it and only releases dissolved gasses and pure H2O. All of the solids in the water stays in the water. If you have ever boiled a pan dry or close to it, the white residue is the calcium and lime that was in the water.


Boiling water will not decrease impurities in water (lime, calcium, fluoride, nitrates, magnesium). Boiling water increases the concentration of impurities as the H2O evaporates.


Wrong. Boiling waster does not remove anything , it kills a few things but has no affect on TDS of the water.

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