Why Do People Find Pandas Cute?

People might find pandas cute because the animal’s facial features remind the brain of human babies, research suggests. Pandas and human babies have large heads with prominent eyes, flat noses and round faces. Research also has found that when humans view juvenile images of babies or pandas, it triggers the middle orbital cortex, the part of the brain responsible for feelings of pleasure and positive emotion. Even research participants who claimed they did not find the images cute had brain scans that showed differently. This is thought to be for evolutionary survival reasons, so that adults instinctively feel the desire to take care of babies.

More about pandas:

  • Pandas spend about 12 hours per day eating. The average panda eats 28 pounds (12.5 kg) of bamboo each day.
  • As of 2013, there were an estimated 1,600 pandas left in the wild and about 200 living in zoos.
  • Newborn pandas are 1/900th the size of their mothers. Excluding marsupials, baby pandas are the smallest newborn mammals in relation to their mothers’ sizes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What features make pandas appear cute to humans?

Pandas possess several features that trigger a 'cuteness response' in humans. Their large, expressive eyes, rounded faces, and clumsy movements resemble human babies, eliciting a nurturing instinct. According to Konrad Lorenz's 'Kindchenschema' theory, such baby-like characteristics are inherently appealing, making pandas a prime example of this phenomenon.

How does the color pattern of pandas contribute to their cuteness?

The distinct black-and-white color pattern of pandas enhances their cuteness by highlighting their expressive eyes and creating a striking contrast that is visually memorable. This coloration makes their movements more noticeable and their facial expressions more pronounced, which can endear them to onlookers and make them seem more approachable and friendly.

Do pandas' behaviors influence how cute they are perceived?

Yes, pandas' behaviors significantly influence their perceived cuteness. Their playful antics, such as tumbling, rolling, and playful interactions with each other, evoke a sense of joy and amusement in observers. Additionally, their gentle nature and seemingly contemplative moments, like munching on bamboo, add to their endearing qualities.

Is there a scientific reason behind humans' emotional response to pandas?

Humans' emotional response to pandas is rooted in evolutionary psychology. The 'baby schema' effect, where features like a large head relative to body size, roundness, and softness evoke caregiving behavior, applies to pandas. This response is thought to have evolved to ensure that human infants receive adequate care, and it extends to animals with similar traits.

How does media representation affect our perception of pandas as cute?

Media representation plays a significant role in shaping our perception of pandas as cute. Through movies, cartoons, and marketing materials that often anthropomorphize pandas, giving them human-like qualities and emotions, they become relatable and endearing characters in popular culture. This widespread exposure reinforces their status as adorable and lovable animals.

Can the perception of pandas' cuteness aid in their conservation efforts?

Indeed, the perception of pandas as cute has been beneficial for their conservation efforts. Their appeal has made them the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund and a flagship species for conservation campaigns. This has helped raise awareness and funding for their protection, contributing to the growth of their population in the wild, as reported by conservation organizations.

More Info: worldwildlife.org

Discussion Comments


I love pandas, and I never noticed it until reading this article, but it's right. People always associate pandas with babies, whom people also love. Though it's not stated, I feel one reason why people love babies so much is because of their innocence. There's something about their curious innocent expressions, and their playfulness that's hard to resist. My friend is in charge of a daycare. Though he was very reluctant at first, he has grown to love the kids, and they're almost like a family to him.

@Viranty - Considering how much pandas eat, I guess we can assume that they spend the other half of the day sleeping. Humans and animals alike, after eating a big meal, we usually just want to lie down and rest. We've all had one of those moments. However, as for your second question, we have to remember that the digestive system of animals is much different than ours.

Also, what we eat can make animals sick, and what they eat can make us sick, such as raw meat. On another note, some animals have digestive tracts that come in different shapes. Did you know that cows have four stomachs?


This is an interesting article. I had no idea that pandas spend so much of the day eating. If that's the case, then what else do they do during their spare time? Also, how are they able to digest all of that food?

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