Why Can't Naked Mole Rats Get Cancer?

According to a study done by the University of Rochester in 2013, naked mole rats do not get cancer because they have complex sugars that prevent cells from clumping and turning into cancerous tumors.

Naked mole rats were selected for the study because they live very long, about 30 years, and do not seem to get cancer. The study revealed that the reason cells do not clump in naked mole rats is due to a complex sugar called hyaluronan in the extracellular matrix, the space between cells.

The study set off discussions about the possibility of altering hyaluronan sugars in humans or using this specific gene from naked more rats in the fight against cancer.

More about naked mole rats:

  • The naked mole rat is a type of rodent which lives in burrows in soil. It spends most of its life in darkness.
  • Contrary to popular belief, naked mole rats are not blind and they are not exactly hairless; they have very thin hairs that help them with navigation.
  • Naked mole rats have a social structure similar to some insects. There are worker and fighter naked mole rats, and a queen who is the only one who breeds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes naked mole rats resistant to cancer?

Naked mole rats have a unique cellular mechanism involving hyaluronan, a substance that makes their skin elastic. This substance is also thought to prevent cells from overcrowding and becoming cancerous. Additionally, their cells have a heightened sensitivity to contact inhibition, which stops cell division when cells touch each other, reducing the risk of uncontrolled growth.

How does the hyaluronan in naked mole rats differ from that in other mammals?

The hyaluronan in naked mole rats is significantly larger in molecular size compared to that in humans and other mammals. This larger size is believed to be one of the key factors in their cancer resistance, as it provides a more robust barrier to cell proliferation and potential tumor formation.

Can the study of naked mole rats lead to cancer treatments for humans?

Research into the biology of naked mole rats offers promising insights for human cancer treatments. By understanding how their cells resist cancer, scientists hope to develop drugs or gene therapies that could mimic these protective mechanisms in humans, potentially leading to breakthroughs in cancer prevention and therapy.

Do naked mole rats have any other unique traits that contribute to their cancer resistance?

Besides their unique hyaluronan, naked mole rats have more efficient DNA repair mechanisms and stable proteins, which contribute to their longevity and cancer resistance. Their proteins maintain their structure and function better over time, reducing the likelihood of mutations that could lead to cancer.

Is it true that naked mole rats never get cancer?

While it's not accurate to say that naked mole rats never get cancer, instances are exceedingly rare. Their remarkable resistance to cancer is not absolute, but compared to other mammals, naked mole rats exhibit an exceptionally low incidence of the disease, making them a subject of intense scientific study.

How does the living environment of naked mole rats impact their cancer resistance?

Naked mole rats live in low-oxygen environments, which could play a role in their cancer resistance. Cells in low-oxygen conditions can be less prone to developing cancer. Moreover, their subterranean lifestyle may limit exposure to environmental factors, such as UV radiation, that can contribute to cancer in other species.

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