What Percent of Animals on Earth Are Insects?

Insects make up about 80 percent of all known species of animals and might account for even more, since researchers actually don't know exactly how many species of insects there are. It's estimated that there are 6 million to 10 million species of insects, but only about 900,000 have been identified. Despite this, insects are one of the least-studied types of animals.

More facts about insects:

  • Insects are crucial to Earth's ecosystem and to the agriculture market. It's estimated that the pollination that insects provide is worth about $217 billion US Dollars (USD) a year.

  • Many types of insects are bioluminescent, which means that they produce and emit light naturally. Fireflies are perhaps the most well known, but glow worms, click beetles and some types of centipedes and millipedes also are bioluminescent. Some scorpions are too, but they're not insects — they're arachnids.

  • Insects might be undergoing a mass extinction. One study suggests that about 44,000 insect species have become extinct in the past six centuries or so. It's unclear how many insect species have gone extinct or even how many are threatened because they have not been studied thoroughly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What percentage of animal species on Earth are insects?

According to entomological research, insects represent an astonishing 80% of all animal species on Earth. This highlights the immense diversity within the insect kingdom, which encompasses a myriad of species ranging from beetles and butterflies to ants and bees, each playing a crucial role in their respective ecosystems.

How many insect species are there in the world?

Scientists estimate that there are about 5.5 million insect species, although only about 1 million have been formally described. This vast number reflects insects' adaptability and evolutionary success, with countless species still awaiting discovery and classification in the rich tapestry of Earth's biodiversity.

Why are insects considered the most successful group of animals?

Insects are deemed the most successful group of animals due to their sheer numbers, diversity, and adaptability. They have conquered almost every habitat on Earth, from deserts to rainforests, and display remarkable survival strategies. Their small size, high reproductive rates, and ability to fly contribute significantly to their evolutionary success.

What roles do insects play in ecosystems?

Insects are pivotal in ecosystems, serving as pollinators, decomposers, and a food source for other animals. They aid in nutrient cycling, soil formation, and plant pollination, which is essential for food production. Insects also help control pest populations, maintaining ecological balance and supporting biodiversity.

How does the decline in insect populations affect the environment?

The decline in insect populations poses a serious threat to ecosystems and human agriculture. As key pollinators and food sources for many animals, their reduction can lead to the collapse of food webs, loss of biodiversity, and diminished crop yields, highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these vital creatures.

What can be done to protect insect biodiversity?

Protecting insect biodiversity requires a multifaceted approach: reducing pesticide use, conserving natural habitats, and combating climate change. Supporting organic farming and creating insect-friendly gardens can also help. Public education and scientific research are crucial for developing strategies to safeguard insects and, by extension, the health of our planet.

More Info: www.nationalgeographic.com

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