How Much Water Is in Lake Superior?

Lake Superior, one of the five Great Lakes in North America, has a surface area of 31,700 square miles (82,100 square km), more than any other freshwater lake in the world. The volume of water in the lake — 2,934 cubic miles (12,229 cubic km) — is enough to submerge both North America and South America to a depth of almost 1 foot (about 30 cm), but it is only the world's fourth-largest lake by volume.

More facts about Lake Superior:

  • Lake Superior contains 10% of all of the world’s freshwater and is approximately the size of the state of South Carolina.
  • An estimated 3.5 million tourists visit the Lake Superior area each year.
  • Lake Superior is considered ultra-oligotrophic, which means that it has little to no production of algae or aquatic plants. This contributes to the lack of nutrients in its soil and a limited fish population. It is, however, one of the cleanest lakes in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much water does Lake Superior contain?

Lake Superior, the largest of the Great Lakes, holds an astounding 2,900 cubic miles of water. To put this into perspective, this volume is enough to cover both North and South America with a foot of water, showcasing its immense size and significance as a freshwater resource.

Can you compare Lake Superior's water volume to the other Great Lakes?

Lake Superior is not only the largest Great Lake by surface area but also by water volume. It contains more water than the other four Great Lakes combined. With its 2,900 cubic miles of water, it dwarfs the second-largest, Lake Huron, which has about 850 cubic miles of water.

What percentage of the world's fresh surface water is in Lake Superior?

Lake Superior holds approximately 10% of the world's fresh surface water, making it an incredibly important natural reservoir. This statistic emphasizes the lake's global significance and the need for careful environmental stewardship to preserve its pristine condition.

How deep is Lake Superior, and how does this affect its water volume?

The average depth of Lake Superior is about 483 feet, with its deepest point reaching 1,333 feet. This considerable depth contributes to its massive volume, allowing it to hold a vast amount of water within a relatively contained surface area, compared to other large lakes around the world.

Is Lake Superior's water volume stable or does it change over time?

Lake Superior's water volume can fluctuate due to various factors such as precipitation, evaporation, and water management practices. Seasonal changes can cause water levels to rise or fall; however, these variations are typically within a range that maintains the lake's overall water volume relatively stable over time.

How does Lake Superior's water volume impact the surrounding environment?

The immense volume of water in Lake Superior creates a unique microclimate, influencing weather patterns and supporting a diverse ecosystem. The lake's thermal mass moderates temperatures, leading to cooler summers and warmer winters along its shores. It also supports commercial fishing and is vital for regional biodiversity.

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