How Much Water Can a Camel Drink?

Camels are capable of drinking 30 gallons (135 liters) of water in under 15 minutes. The camel's body is very efficient when it comes to water use and it reabsorbs it after use. For example, water vapor that is normally part of breathing is reabsorbed in the camel's nostrils as the animal exhales. Contrary to popular belief, camels do not store water in their humps. Rather their humps are built up of fat, which can then be turned into energy when sources of nutrition are not available. As the camel uses its fat storage, the hump can become soft and floppy.

More about camels:

  • Camels can carry between 375 to 600 pounds (170 to 270 kg) when traveling for 29 miles (47 km) a day.
  • Camels can grow to be 7 feet tall (2.1 meters) and weigh up to 1,800 pounds (816 kg).
  • A camel's diet consists of whatever is growing in the area. Like cows, camels regurgitate their food and re-consume it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much water can a camel drink at one time?

Camels are renowned for their water conservation abilities. When dehydrated, a camel can drink up to 40 gallons (approximately 150 liters) of water in one session. This remarkable feat is possible due to their unique stomach structure, which rapidly absorbs water without diluting their blood, according to studies on camel physiology.

How long can camels go without drinking water?

Camels have adapted to survive in harsh desert environments and can go for up to two weeks without water. However, this duration can vary based on factors like activity level, environmental temperature, and the quality of their food, which can provide some moisture, as noted by desert wildlife researchers.

Do camels store water in their humps?

Contrary to popular belief, camels do not store water in their humps. The humps are actually reservoirs of fatty tissue that can be metabolized into water and energy when food is scarce. This metabolic process is a key adaptation that allows camels to thrive in arid conditions, as described by camel anatomy experts.

What adaptations help camels conserve water?

Camels have several adaptations for water conservation. They have oval-shaped red blood cells that facilitate flow in a dehydrated state and can fluctuate body temperature to minimize sweating. Additionally, their urine is highly concentrated, and they can tolerate significant water loss, up to 25% of their body weight, which is exceptional among mammals.

How does a camel's drinking capacity compare to other animals?

Camels have one of the most impressive drinking capacities among land animals. For instance, while an elephant can drink up to 50 gallons (about 190 liters) in five minutes, it does not have the same level of water retention as camels. Camels' ability to rehydrate by drinking massive amounts quickly is unparalleled, especially after long periods of dehydration.

Can camels drink saltwater?

Camels have an extraordinary ability to drink saltwater, which would dehydrate most other animals. Their bodies can withstand higher levels of salt in their bloodstream, and they have specialized kidneys that filter out excess salt without losing too much water, making them well-suited for environments where fresh water is scarce.

More Info: National Geographic

Discussion Comments


When it comes to camels and their ability to adapt, I'm amazed at the amount of water they can store. While I was aware of some ways in which camels deal with the environment, the fact that they can drink thirty gallons in under 15 minutes really shows that animals are built and created to adapt to their surrounds, sometimes in amazing ways.


In relation to the last bullet point, I didn't know that camels regurgitated their food and re-consumed it. Like many things a camel can do, I am assuming this must be a way for them to adapt. After all, let's look at it this way. What if a camel is traveling through the desert, and there's little to no food available? In order to survive, they could regain their nutrients by regurgitating up their most recent meal, and re-eating it again. Though that might sound disgusting to us, it's something most animals do, and it's how they survive.


Reading this article, it's no wonder that even in this day and age, people are always using camels for food transportation, and other methods as well. Not only are they a great way to get around, but even more so, they are perfectly able to adapt to their environment, much better than us anyway. Also, I like how the article debunked the myth of camels storing water in their humps. This is something most people seem to believe (myself included), and as interesting as that might seem, it's definitely not true.

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