How Long Can Birds Stay in Flight?

Alpine swifts, birds that weigh less than 0.25 pounds (0.11 kg), are able to fly continuously for more than six months. These birds have been tracked with electronic tags and found to have been in the air for more than 200 days. It is thought that their diet of airborne insects and an ability to rest in mid-air are contributing factors to this ability. Movement tracking devices for animals were developed in the 1960s, but versions small enough to be attached to birds weren’t available until the early 2000s.

More about birds' flight:

  • A female bar-tailed godwit was once recorded flying continuously for 7,145 miles (11,500 km) from Alaska to New Zealand, which is roughly equivalent to a person running 43.5 miles (70 km) per hour for a week.
  • Ruby-throated hummingbirds have been found to be able to make a flight from the Yucatan Peninsula in southeastern Mexico to the southern US in less than one day.
  • The tern is estimated to migrate about 1.5 million miles (2.4 million km) during its average lifespan of 30 years, which is equivalent to traveling to the moon and back three times.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the longest recorded flight duration for a bird?

According to studies, the Alpine swift holds the record for the longest continuous flight, staying airborne for up to six months without landing. These remarkable birds eat, sleep, and even mate while flying, showcasing an extraordinary adaptation to life in the air.

How do migratory birds manage such long flights without stopping?

Migratory birds like the Bar-tailed Godwit have adapted to long flights by storing fat as fuel and having efficient flight muscles. They also utilize air currents and thermals to conserve energy. The Godwit can fly non-stop for about 7,000 miles, as they migrate from Alaska to New Zealand.

Can birds sleep while flying?

Some birds, such as frigatebirds, have the ability to sleep while flying. Research has shown that they can take micro-naps lasting just a few seconds, often using one hemisphere of the brain to sleep while the other remains active to maintain flight.

What adaptations help birds stay in flight for extended periods?

Birds that stay aloft for extended periods have several adaptations, including lightweight but strong skeletal structures, efficient respiratory systems, and high metabolic rates. Additionally, their wing shapes are often optimized for gliding or dynamic soaring, reducing energy expenditure during long flights.

Do all birds have the capability to fly for long durations?

No, not all birds are adapted for long-duration flights. Flight endurance varies widely among species, with some birds like domestic chickens having very limited flight capabilities, while others, such as swifts and albatrosses, are designed for sustained flight over vast distances.

How do weather conditions affect a bird's ability to stay in flight?

Weather conditions significantly impact a bird's flight, as strong winds, rain, and turbulence can increase energy expenditure. Birds often take advantage of favorable winds and thermals to assist their flight. Adverse conditions may force them to land or alter their migratory paths to avoid storms and headwinds.

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Discussion Comments


The common swift can fly 500 miles per day on average, and will fly non stop for three years as they don't breed until they are three years old. They live for an average of 16 years during which they will have covered 1.2 million miles. What a bird, indeed. -- paolo

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