Are Any Newborn Animals Able to Fly?

Regardless of species, all baby birds need time before they're ready to leave the nest, from a few weeks for some smaller species, to months for some larger ones. However, more than 100 million years ago, there were some fliers that didn't get a chance to mature before taking off. Pterodactyls -- those gigantic flying reptiles that feature in so many prehistoric-themed movies -- could fly from birth, according to recent research conducted at the University of Leicester in the UK. Studying fossilized embryos, the researchers were able to determine that the young, unhatched pterodactyls were much more advanced than what is normally found in the eggs of birds and crocodiles. In other words, they were built to take wing as soon as they hatched. One of the researchers, paleobiologist David Unwin, said the findings went against everything that has been previously understood about birds and flight. "Theoretically what pterosaurs did, growing and flying, is impossible – but they didn't know this, so they did it anyway,” he said. One of the reasons for the need to fly at such an early age was a lack of parental care. Unlike modern birds, pterodactyls were on their own from the start, so they had to quickly learn to evade predators and catch their own prey.

Pterodactyl truths:

  • The word "pterodactyl" is a generic term commonly given to either of two types of pterosaur.
  • Today's birds descended from meat-eating dinosaurs, not reptilians like the pterodactyl, which didn't even have feathers.
  • Pterodactyls probably walked on four legs, not two like modern birds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can any newborn animals fly immediately after birth?

No, there are no newborn animals that can fly right after birth. Flying requires muscle strength, coordination, and development that are not present in newborns. Birds, for instance, need time to grow and develop their flight feathers before they can take to the skies.

How long does it take for a baby bird to learn to fly?

The time it takes for a baby bird to learn to fly varies by species. For example, songbirds typically fledge (leave the nest) at 2-3 weeks old, but they continue to develop their flying skills over the following weeks. Larger birds like eagles may take 8-14 weeks before they're ready to fly confidently.

Are there any animals that can glide or parachute shortly after birth?

Yes, some animals can glide or parachute shortly after birth. For instance, newborn flying squirrels and sugar gliders possess a patagium, a membrane that allows them to glide from tree to tree almost immediately after birth, providing a unique form of mobility that resembles flying.

What adaptations do animals that can glide have for this ability?

Animals that can glide, such as flying squirrels, have developed adaptations like the patagium, a skin flap that extends from their wrists to their ankles, creating a wing-like surface. This, along with a lightweight body and elongated limbs, allows them to steer and maneuver while gliding through the air.

Do any aquatic animals exhibit behaviors similar to flying?

Some aquatic animals exhibit behaviors that are akin to flying. For example, flying fish can propel themselves out of the water and glide using their wing-like pectoral fins to escape predators. Similarly, Mobula rays can leap out of the water and glide for short distances, which is often mistaken for flying.

What is the purpose of gliding or parachuting in newborn animals?

Gliding or parachuting in newborn animals serves several purposes, including escape from predators, dispersal to new habitats, and efficient travel between food sources. These behaviors are crucial survival mechanisms that allow these animals to maximize their chances of reaching adulthood in their respective environments.

More Info: University of Leicester

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