Which Animals Have the Best Night Vision?

Human vision relies on cells in the retina that are known as rods and cones. Cones help us to see color, but only when there is enough light. Rods take over in low-light conditions, but we see only black-and-white images. Frogs and toads, however, have two types of sensitivities in their rods, allowing them to see colors even in the dark. In a series of experiments in 2017, researchers put frogs in completely dark environments and found that they were able to discern colors and find the exit -- much like the conditions they frequently face in real life.

Never in the dark:

  • “It’s amazing that these animals can actually see color in extreme darkness, down to the absolute threshold of the visual system,’ said professor Almut Kelber. “These results were unexpected.”
  • In other experiments, researchers studied how frogs and toads use their color vision when searching for a mate or hunting for food. Turns out that color means little in the hunt for a significant other.
  • Frogs are nocturnal, and their night vision benefits from a layer of tissue in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum. Animals with this tissue (such as cats) appear to have “eyeshine” in photos.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which animal is known to have the best night vision?

Owls are often celebrated for their exceptional night vision. Their large eyes and a high number of rod cells allow them to see in low light conditions far better than humans. Owls can detect movements and subtle shapes in the dark, making them formidable nocturnal hunters.

How do cats' night vision capabilities compare to humans?

Cats have superior night vision compared to humans, thanks to their elliptical pupils that expand to let in more light and a layer of tissue called the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light back through the retina. This adaptation enhances their ability to see in darkness by up to six times that of a human.

What adaptations do animals with good night vision have?

Animals with good night vision often have larger eyes relative to their body size, a higher proportion of rod cells in the retina, and a reflective layer behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum. These adaptations help maximize the amount of light captured and improve vision in low-light conditions.

Can any marine animals see well in the dark?

Yes, certain marine animals have adapted to see well in the dark. Deep-sea creatures like the flashlight fish have bioluminescent bacteria that help them navigate and communicate in the pitch-black depths. Others have large, sensitive eyes to detect the faintest light, such as the giant squid.

Do nocturnal animals have better night vision than diurnal animals?

Generally, nocturnal animals have better night vision than diurnal animals. They have evolved to hunt or avoid predators in the dark, leading to specific adaptations like a higher number of rod cells for detecting light and the tapetum lucidum for reflecting light, enhancing their ability to see at night.

Are there any birds besides owls that have good night vision?

While owls are the most renowned, other birds like nightjars and nighthawks also possess good night vision. These birds have large eyes and a high density of rod cells, enabling them to see and hunt insects in low light conditions. Their silent flight further aids their nocturnal activities.

More Info: ScienceDaily

Discussion Comments


I hope researchers may be able to succeed to utilize frogs to improve human vision,particularly for eye degeneration.


I want someone to investigate adding this tapetum lucidum to human eyes. Getting old means losing your color spectrum (for me anyway) and it is terrible.

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