What Makes a Cricket’s Ears So Unique?

Wouldn’t humans look silly if our ears were located on our legs, just below our knees, like those of grasshoppers, crickets, locusts, and katydids? Very little was understood about these oddly-placed ears until 2012, when entomologist Fernando Montealegre-Zapata from the University of Bristol used a CT scanner to find out how katydid ears are constructed. He discovered that these tiny ears include two unique organs -- an acoustic vesicle that acts like the human cochlea, and a tympanal plate that acts like the auditory ossicles of our middle ear in order to transmit vibrations as sound.

Speak directly to the knee:

  • Crickets, grasshoppers, katydids, and locusts comprise the order Orthoptera. Orthopteran ears are some of the smallest in the animal world.
  • A cricket’s ears lead into chambers inside its legs, which connect to either side of the insect, allowing sound to completely pass through it.
  • Montealagre-Zapata thinks that Orthopteran hearing has evolved to the point where they can hear sounds other than their own serenades -- maybe even the high-frequency calls of insect-hunting bats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are a cricket's ears located?

Unlike humans, crickets have their ears located on their legs. Specifically, a cricket's ears are found on the front legs, just below the knee. This unique placement allows them to sense vibrations in their environment, which is crucial for survival and communication among these insects.

How do cricket ears differ from human ears?

Cricket ears are vastly different from human ears in structure and function. They consist of a tympanum, or eardrum, that is exposed directly to the environment, without an ear canal. Crickets also have auditory organs called tympanal organs, which are connected to the tympanum and help in sound detection, a feature not present in human ears.

What is the purpose of a cricket's unique ear structure?

The unique ear structure of crickets serves multiple purposes. It allows them to detect predator sounds, locate mates through their chirping, and communicate with other crickets. The sensitivity of their tympanal organs to a wide range of frequencies is essential for these activities, which are vital for their survival and reproduction.

Can crickets determine the direction of a sound?

Yes, crickets can determine the direction of a sound. They use the time difference between when a sound reaches one ear and when it reaches the other to localize the sound source. This ability is crucial for escaping predators and finding mates, enhancing their chances of survival and successful mating.

Do all crickets hear the same way?

Not all crickets hear the same way. There is variation among species in terms of the range of frequencies they can detect and how they process sound. Some are adapted to hear the specific frequencies of their own species' calls, which helps in identifying potential mates and avoiding predators that may mimic cricket sounds.

How does the environment affect a cricket's hearing?

The environment can significantly affect a cricket's hearing. Factors such as temperature can influence the speed of sound, potentially altering how crickets perceive sound frequencies. Additionally, ambient noise from wind, water, or human activity can interfere with their ability to detect important sounds, which may impact their communication and predator detection abilities.

More Info: Discover magazine

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