How Much Water Is Used for Agriculture?

According to a report by the United Nations, about 70% of the Earth's fresh water is used for agricultural irrigation. Of the water used in agriculture, only about half of it can be reused, because much of it evaporates or is lost during transit. Some of the crops that require the most water include soybeans, cotton, rice and sugarcane. Some experts are concerned about water waste and encourage the development of new technologies that could improve irrigation efficiency. They also recommend removing water subsidies, which would increase the cost of water and force users to be more conscious of irrigation management.

More about water use:

  • Water covers about 70% of the Earth, and 97.5% of it is saltwater.

  • Modern irrigation methods have negatively affected fish populations in many areas.

  • The countries that use the greatest volume of water include India, China, the United States and the Russian Federation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What percentage of global freshwater is used for agriculture?

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, agriculture consumes about 70% of the global freshwater supply. This staggering figure reflects the intensive water needs of irrigation systems, which are crucial for crop production in many regions around the world.

How does agricultural water usage compare to industrial and domestic use?

While agriculture is the largest consumer of water, using approximately 70% of freshwater, industrial use accounts for about 19%, and domestic use is around 11%. The exact proportions can vary by country, but agriculture remains the dominant user of water resources globally, highlighting the need for efficient water management practices in farming.

What crops require the most water to grow?

Crops like rice, cotton, and sugarcane are among the most water-intensive. For instance, it can take about 2,500 liters of water to produce a single kilogram of rice. These high demands make it essential to adopt water-saving technologies and practices, such as drip irrigation, to reduce the overall water footprint of agriculture.

How does meat production impact water usage in agriculture?

Meat production has a significant impact on agricultural water use. It is estimated that producing 1 kilogram of beef can require between 5,000 to 20,000 liters of water, considering the water needed for growing feed crops and sustaining the livestock. This makes animal products generally more water-intensive than plant-based foods.

Are there any effective methods to reduce water usage in agriculture?

Yes, there are several effective methods to reduce water usage in agriculture. Techniques such as drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and the use of drought-resistant crop varieties can greatly improve water efficiency. Additionally, precision agriculture technologies enable farmers to apply water only where and when it is needed, minimizing waste.

What role does climate change play in agricultural water usage?

Climate change is exacerbating water scarcity issues, making it more challenging for agriculture to maintain current water usage levels. Changes in precipitation patterns, increased frequency of droughts, and shifting climatic zones all impact water availability. Farmers must adapt to these changes with more resilient and water-efficient practices to ensure sustainable crop production.

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Discussion Comments


But where do those clouds go? That rain may never fall where it is needed.


About 70 percent is used for irrigation, not necessarily agricultural. Residential irrigation makes up a large part of this.


That sounds like a ridiculous progressive view on how to solve a problem. That solution would adversely affect the economy while doing little in solving water loss. Besides, if water evaporates it will reform to clouds and eventually rain.

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