How Much Fish is Caught Annually?

About 180 billion pounds (about 81 billion kg) of wild fish are caught per year. That's equivalent to the weight of the entire population of China. The most commonly fished species include cod, salmon, tuna and swordfish — all of which are in danger of being over-fished.

More facts about aquaculture:

  • Asia accounts for about two-thirds of the world's fish consumption. China alone consumes more than 72 billion pounds (about 32 billion kg) of fish per year, which is about 60 pounds (27 kg) of fish per person per year. By contrast, America consumes about 5 billion pounds (about 2.3 billion kg) of fish per year.

  • In Cambodia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Ghana, fish accounts for as much as half of the protein in the average person's diet.

  • During the past 50 years, there has been a 90 percent reduction in the populations of several large species of fish, including tuna, swordfish and sharks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much fish is caught globally each year?

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the global fish production, including aquaculture, reached about 179 million tonnes in 2018, with wild capture fisheries contributing about 96.4 million tonnes. This figure fluctuates annually but provides a snapshot of the immense scale of global fish catch.

What are the most commonly caught fish species?

Among the most commonly caught fish species are anchovies, herring, and cod. Anchovies and herring are often caught in large numbers due to their schooling nature, which makes them easier to harvest in bulk. Cod has historically been a staple in many cultures, leading to significant fishing efforts directed at this species.

Which country leads in fish catch volume?

China has consistently been the world's largest producer of fish, both from wild capture and aquaculture. It contributes significantly to the global fish catch, with the FAO reporting that China accounted for more than 15% of the world's total capture fishery production in recent years.

How has the annual fish catch changed over the years?

The annual global fish catch has seen various trends over the years. While there has been growth in overall fish production due to the rise of aquaculture, wild capture fisheries have experienced stagnation and even decline in some regions, largely due to overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices.

What impact does overfishing have on fish populations?

Overfishing has a profound impact on fish populations, leading to the depletion of key species and disrupting marine ecosystems. It can cause a decline in fish stocks to below sustainable levels, threatening biodiversity, and can also affect the livelihoods of communities that rely on fishing as a primary source of income and food.

Are there any international efforts to regulate annual fish catch?

Yes, there are several international efforts to regulate annual fish catch and promote sustainable fishing practices. Organizations like the FAO, along with various regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs), work to establish guidelines, quotas, and agreements to manage fish stocks and protect marine environments from the adverse effects of overfishing.

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