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How do I get Phlebotomy Certification?

Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen

Though this may vary by state or country, most people need to have phlebotomy certification to work as a phlebotomist. A couple of states, Louisiana and California, legally require any person hired as a phlebotomist to possess certification. While the other states in the US may not legally require it, it's usually expected that a phlebotomist will hold a phlebotomy certificate. Three levels of certification may exist in certain states, particularly California and these are limited phlebotomy technician, and phlebotomy technician I and II. Each requires training and then application for phlebotomy certification.

Most programs that teach this profession require that students complete training at an accredited school. Length of classes may vary but they typically include classroom hours, and then lots hands on training. There are programs available at a number of schools around the country. These can include community colleges and many vocational or trade schools too. Programs may take a year or longer to complete, and sometimes less time. If the school offers an associate’s degree with graduation, programs are usually two years in length.

Louisiana requires phlebotomists obtain certification.
Louisiana requires phlebotomists obtain certification.

When different job levels are offered in a state like California, phlebotomy technician II status is important to increase ability to get jobs. Phlebotomy tech I jobs allow workers to do venipuncture (draw blood from veins) and skin punctures. Tech II designation means the worker can draw blood from veins or arteries. Sometimes arterial blood samples are needed. It is possible to be trained only to the Tech I level, but clearly programs that train to Tech II level are of more use when it comes time to hunt for jobs.

Phlebotomy certification requires extensive training, including hands on experience with patients.
Phlebotomy certification requires extensive training, including hands on experience with patients.

Once a program has been completed, including any required internships, people can apply for phlebotomy certification with several different organizations. It’s not clear if one is perceived more favorably than the others. There are quite a few organizations where a phlebotomy certificate can be obtained, including the American Society for Clinical Pathology, the Association for Phlebotomy Technicians, and the National Phlebotomy Association.

Phlebotomy can require continuing education in order to remain certified.
Phlebotomy can require continuing education in order to remain certified.

These organizations may also credential the programs in which people train, and it may make sense to achieve phlebotomy certification through the same organization that credentialed the phlebotomy program a person attended. The reason for this is that requirements for certification often line up fairly exactly with the schools each organization credentials. People will need to not only meet these requirements but also pass exams showing their competence.

A well-trained phlebotomist can take a blood sample from any kind of patient, with minimal pain.
A well-trained phlebotomist can take a blood sample from any kind of patient, with minimal pain.

Like most health care jobs, phlebotomy can require continuing education in order to maintain the phlebotomy certification. Certifying organizations may vary, but most will eventually require additional training. For a person entering the field that is qualified to do venipuncture and skin puncture only, training can be an ideal time to learn how to remove blood from arteries too. Techs also routinely need training as medical equipment and methods change.

Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen

Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent WiseGEEK contributor for many years. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently working on her first novel.

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Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen

Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent WiseGEEK contributor for many years. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently working on her first novel.

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Discussion Comments


Thanks for giving information on phlebotomy courses. To pursue phlebotomy training classes, the candidates should at least complete their secondary school education. After that, anyone can pursue these phlebotomy courses.


I have an Associate degree in medical assisting. I would really like to work as a phlebotomist in the state of Va. My degree came from Kriser Career College in Florida. will the credits transfer?


I complete my Phlebotomy course and my clinicals in September 2010. What do I do now?


I completed the classes a few years ago and have been a mobile phlebotomist with a medical company on and off since then. I now need to get my certification as quickly as possible to work elsewhere. what do i need to do? --Traci


How long can a phlebotomist legally work in one 24 hour period?


i have been a RN in china for 15 years. i also have done this job (phlebotomy)for 15 years. i am a good with groups of different age. but i would want to have a phlebotomy certification. how can i get it as quick as i can.


I am a licensed CNA in WA. and I would really like to have a phlebotomy certification. Is there such a training that would only take for about a week? or What is the quickest way of getting a certification? and who are those agencies that provide the training?


I have a Bachelors Degree in Medical Technology in Philippines. How can I get a Phlebotomy certification here in Virginia?

Thanks in advance!

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