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How do I Find Cosmetology Continuing Education Courses?

Carol Francois
Carol Francois

There are four ways to find cosmetology continuing education courses: online, through an approved cosmetology school, attending an approved seminar, and participating in an approved residential training program. The rules vary, but most states require a specific number of cosmetology continuing education course hours before your license can be renewed. Read your state cosmetology licensing board website to find out how many hours are required.

All courses submitted toward the cosmetology continuing education course requirements must be taken from an approved provider. Visit your licensing board's website to get a list of approved providers in your area. Any courses taken from an unapproved provider will not be accepted. The provider is required to submit the record of your courses to the licensing board directly. The continuing education course hour requirement must be met before your license will be renewed.

Cosmetology techniques and styles are constantly changing.
Cosmetology techniques and styles are constantly changing.

Online courses are available over the Internet. These distance learning or correspondence courses have pre-recorded lectures, written assignments, quizzes and online tests. The main advantage of online courses is the flexibility. You can attend the lectures on your own schedule and watch them as many times as you need.

Most online schools provide any textbooks or written materials necessary as part of the course fee. Ask about the support services available with the course. This should include student discussion boards or forums, email communication with the instructor, opportunities to ask questions and a clear list of due dates and expectations.

Many cosmetology schools offer a wide range of continuing education courses.
Many cosmetology schools offer a wide range of continuing education courses.

Take a look at the courses offered through the local cosmetology or beauty school. Many offer a wide range of continuing education courses. The classes are usually scheduled for evenings and weekends to provide additional flexibility for working professionals.

Review the seminars and demonstration sessions hosted by the local community college. Check with the program organizer to ensure they are offering an accredited program and that the hours will be reported to the licensing board. Be prepared to pay a seminar fee for this type of program. The course itself should focus on a specific skill or technique and include written materials.

Cosmetologists may be required to attend continuing education training regularly to learn about changes in local safety regulations and advancements in the industry.
Cosmetologists may be required to attend continuing education training regularly to learn about changes in local safety regulations and advancements in the industry.

When selecting the types of cosmetology continuing education courses that you want to take, there are two options, stay current with your core skills and adding new services. Techniques and styles are constantly changing. Pay attention to the trends and make sure that you are able to offer the latest styles and services to your clients. Look at the trends in your area and think about the potential revenue possibilities if you expand your services to meet this need.

Discussion Comments


It has come to my attention that many cosmetology schools will offer continuing education courses in that field despite whether the regulations from the state required the use education courses or not. This is purely a scam offered by the schools to entice Cosmetology professionals into paying more money for further education that they may not technically need.

While these courses may be beneficial to the professional they can often cost a larger sum of money to attend and therefore may or may not be worth the individual taking the time to go to the class.

be sure to look in the regulations of your state licensing examinations and requirements to ensure that you are not paying extra money for continuing education courses that are created by companies trying to make a profit from your industry.


One thing I've noticed about continuing education courses in my area is the fact they are not available during convenient times for work individuals. As someone who works full time I am incapable of attending a course that happens during the daytime unless I take time off from my employer.

This means that I will either lose out on the opportunity to make more money just to be able to continue making money or I will be seen in a bad light by my employer because I have to take time off.

It seems to me that organization should offer cosmetology continuing education classes in the evenings on the weekends so working professionals may attend.

I am all for continuing cosmetology education in the professional work will but we must make it available to those that need it when they can actually attend the course.


I found the online continuing education for cause an apology licensing to be an effective. The very nature of the industry requires a hand on hands on approach that is incapable of being reproduced in an online environment.

Simply sitting at a keyboard and typing words will not give you the same effect that applying makeup for evaluating the effects of the makeup can have on skin as actually doing it yourself.

While some people disregard continuing education courses as your relevant and unnecessary there is a specific reason that these courses have been made requirements and while the general public has decided to make the law that you continue your education in the field such as cosmetology.


Because the use of continuing education courses spread throughout so many different types of industries is fairly easy to find exactly what kind of course you need to take to stay in your field. Cosmetology is no different and many different types of continuing education courses can be found both in schools and online.

Depending on the regulations inside your state the continuing education course requirements can be different. It is important to consider these regulations and to know that the school you were going to apply to has in fact met the requirements for passing any type of state regulations.

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