Do Horses Breathe like Other Mammals?

Horses do not breathe like other mammals—they only breathe through their noses because they cannot breathe through their mouths. The equine respiratory system functions by inhaling and exhaling through the nostrils. This is thought to perhaps be an evolutionary feature to prevent debris, such as dust and dirt, from entering the horses’ lungs as they run. Their large size makes it so that horses are only able to inhale as their front legs stride, but not as their legs land because their internal organs are proportionately larger than other mammals’. Horses’ lungs would then not be able to expand efficiently to allow oxygen in during landing due to the force that would shift their internal organs.

More about horses:

  • A horse’s teeth appear to continuously grow through its lifetime. The animal is born with its teeth fully formed beneath the gums and they gradually become more visible over time.
  • An average horse’s lung capacity is nearly twice as great as an elite human athlete’s.
  • Horses are physically unable to vomit because the band of muscles that surround their esophagus are so powerful. In fact, if a horse does vomit, it’s generally a sign of a possibly fatal stomach rupture.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do horses breathe compared to other mammals?

Horses, like other mammals, breathe through their lungs. They have a unique respiratory system that is highly efficient for their size and athletic needs. Unlike humans, horses are obligate nasal breathers, meaning they breathe exclusively through their nostrils and not their mouths, which helps filter and warm the air before it reaches the lungs.

Can horses breathe through their mouths?

No, horses cannot breathe through their mouths in the way humans do. They are obligate nasal breathers, which means they must breathe through their nostrils. This adaptation is thought to help protect the animal's respiratory system by filtering out dust and other particles during activities like running and grazing.

Do horses have a larger lung capacity than humans?

Yes, horses have a significantly larger lung capacity than humans. An average horse's lung capacity is about 54 liters, which is nearly 12 times greater than that of a human, who has an average lung capacity of 4.5 to 6 liters. This large lung capacity is essential for providing the necessary oxygen during intense exercise.

How does a horse's respiratory rate change with exercise?

A horse's respiratory rate increases significantly with exercise. At rest, a horse typically breathes 8 to 15 times per minute. During intense exercise, the respiratory rate can increase to 120 breaths per minute or more. This rapid breathing helps to meet the high oxygen demands of their muscles when running or performing.

What is the role of a horse's diaphragm in breathing?

The diaphragm in horses, as in other mammals, plays a crucial role in breathing. It is a large muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. When the diaphragm contracts, it creates negative pressure in the chest, allowing air to flow into the lungs. Relaxation of the diaphragm helps to expel air, facilitating respiration.

Are there any common respiratory issues that affect horses?

Horses can suffer from various respiratory issues, with some of the most common being equine asthma, recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), and exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH). These conditions can affect a horse's performance and overall health, requiring veterinary attention and, in some cases, changes in management or environment to alleviate symptoms.

Discussion Comments


The horse has a one-way digestive tract, ingesting food at one end and passing faeces from the other. There is no return for food swallowed. The horse has a cardiac sphincter muscle and this muscle stops the horse from being sick. If the horse eats something toxic, the toxins have to work their way through the horse's system. Since the horse cannot vomit, the toxins that are working their way through the system will poison the horse's body. The toxins will ultimately kill the horse. This is why it is so important to feed the correct food and forage to your horse. Do not feed any highly fermentable food stuffs that have gone off.


These are some interesting facts about horses, even though it does seem like a few were left. One example is the intelligence of horses. While they're obviously not the smartest animal on the planet, they have been shown to be quite intelligent, and much smarter than some people give them credit for.

As for some of these listed facts about horses however, these are incredibly interesting. I didn't know that horses couldn't vomit. If that's the case, then what happens to them if they eat something they're not supposed to? Overall, some incredibly interesting facts.

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