Do Cats Like Sugar?

Cats are unique as mammals in that they are genetically incapable of tasting sweetness. Unlike other mammals, cats lack the ability to produce the amino acids necessary to create the "sweet" taste awareness in the brain, making sweetness a foreign concept to them.

More facts about cats:

  • Though cats cannot taste sweetness, they do have the ability to taste adenosine triphosphate, a compound found in meat, which humans do not.

  • Some scientists speculate that the reason so many cats get diabetes is because they also lack the ability to metabolize sugar properly, and many cat foods are made of corn or other sweet grains.

  • The inability to taste sweet things applies to both big and small cats — from a lion to a house cat. However, even close relatives such as mongooses and hyenas can taste sweet things easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do cats have a taste for sugar?

Unlike humans, cats are not naturally drawn to sugar. They lack taste receptors for sweetness, a trait uncommon among mammals. According to a study published in the journal PLOS Genetics, this is due to a mutation in their key taste receptor gene, making sugary flavors less appealing and often undetectable to felines.

Can cats digest sugar properly?

Cats can digest sugars to some extent, but their bodies are not optimized for a high-sugar diet. Feeding cats sugar can lead to obesity and diabetes, as their metabolism is primarily designed for protein digestion. It's essential to provide a diet that aligns with their carnivorous needs for optimal health.

Is it safe to give my cat sugary treats?

It is not recommended to give cats sugary treats. Cats do not require sugar in their diet, and excessive sugar intake can lead to health issues such as dental problems, obesity, and diabetes. Treats formulated specifically for cats are the safest option, as they are designed to meet their nutritional requirements.

Why does my cat seem interested in sweet foods?

While cats may show curiosity towards sweet foods, it's likely due to the fat content or texture rather than the sweetness itself. Cats are driven by scent and taste for fats and proteins, which are essential in their diet. Always ensure that any human food given to cats is safe and non-toxic for them.

What should I do if my cat accidentally eats something sugary?

If your cat accidentally consumes something sugary, monitor them closely for any signs of distress or unusual behavior. Small amounts may not cause immediate harm, but it's best to consult with a veterinarian, especially if the sugary food contains chocolate, xylitol, or other ingredients that are toxic to cats.

What are healthy treat alternatives to sugar for cats?

Healthy treat alternatives for cats include commercial cat treats that are high in protein and low in fillers, freeze-dried meat treats, small pieces of cooked chicken or fish, or special dental treats designed for cats. These options provide nutritional value and help maintain dental health without the risks associated with sugar.

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Discussion Comments


Have there been many replicated studies proving the "fact" that cats can't taste sugar? I ask because my cats seem to enjoy sugary foods. Obviously, I don't include sugar in their daily diet or allow them access to sweeties, but very rarely they're in a position to get a daub of frosting or a lick of ice cream (we're talking less than a spoonful split three ways, maybe once every few months). They absolutely love it. I always assumed they were interested in the milk and butter in the products and liked them in spite of the sweetness, not because of it. However, they've also expressed interest in maple syrup, corn syrup and sodas like cola and root beer. I actually let one have a lick of root beer because she was so insistent, I thought she'd find it yucky and go away, but she mewed for more and tried to stick her face in the cup (she didn't receive any more). Why would they want something mainly or exclusively sugary if they can't taste and enjoy the sugars?


My kitten just went ballistic over the smell of my belgian waffle. He kept climbing on me trying to get to my plate. Trying to get it away from him, I swung the plate around and some bits of waffle fell on the floor. He ate them voraciously and then tried climbing on me again to get more. I had to lock him away to eat my waffle in peace. The thing about Belgian waffles is they're basically butter and lots of sugar. If cats can't technically taste sweetness, what is it about sweet things that affects them?


I don't give my cats sweets, but I didn't know they couldn't taste anything sweet. Have to tell everyone I know that has cats. You learn something new every day.


My cat eats sugar. Just sugar. I came home one day to find her with her face the sugar bowl, licking everything up. How's that?


My cat likes cheese cake and ice cream.


I have a cat that loves chocolate, caramel, snowballs (chocolate cake covered in marshmallow and coconut). She only gets small amounts as I know chocolate is bad for pets, but she loves this stuff and always comes running when I eat it.


My cat loves to lick the juice from lightly sweetened canned peaches. She likes to lick cookies, cake, etc. Don't know if she can taste sweet or not but she does like these items.

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